General Information


The registration fee for IRSC/WRSC 2011 will be at most 250 EUR and can be paid at the registration desk. Note that we will only accept cash payments. The fee covers a team of up to five members, participation in the races and the conference, one copy of the conference proceedings, the conference dinner, as well as breakfast, lunch and refreshments. Additional participants can register for at most 50 EUR.

The registration fee for IRSC 2011 will be be at most 100 EUR and includes participation in the conference, one copy of the conference proceedings, the conference dinner, as well as lunch and refreshments on Tuesday and breakfast on Wednesday.

All fees will be reviewed and may be lowered based on the overall sponsoring outcome.

Click here to register for the WRSC 2011


Please note that Lübeck is a quite popular tourist destination and finding hotel rooms can be hard in August. We would recommend booking early. If you travel on a budget, consider the Rucksackhotel or Jugendherberge. Also, there will be limited space to sleep / camp at the university sports center for app. 4 EUR per person per night (you'd need to bring camping gear / sleeping bag).

Below you find a list of accomodations where we reserved budget room options for the WRSC. Please pay attention to the respective reservation deadline because we cannot guarantee that rooms are available for booking afterwards.

  • Jugendherberge / Youth hostel "Vor dem Burgtor"
    The youth hostel is located app. 10 walk minutes away from the WRSC area (see on Google Maps). Five rooms with six beds each are available here. Prices vary from 17.40 to 21.60 Euro per person and night depending on your age. The rooms are reservered from August 15th to August 21st, 2011 and if you want to book here please indicate the keyword "WRSC" so that you do not have to show any youth hostel membership card.

    The reservation deadline for this reservation is April 30th, 2011.

    Contact information
    Jugendherberge Lübeck "Vor dem Burgtor"
    Am Gertrudenkirchhof 4
    23568 Lübeck


  • WRSC on site camping / sleeping
    It is possible to sleep on the WRSC site for 4 Euro per person and night. Up to 40 places are available in the gym if you bring your own sleeping bag. In addition, if you bring your own tent, you can camp on site. Washrooms including showers are available but please note that there are very few (small) lockers and we would strongly recommend that you have another place to store your belongings, e.g., in a car.

    If your are interested in camping / sleeping in the gym, please let us know by April 30th, 2011. While we don't have a formal reservation deadline, we will assign the places on a first come first served base. Please contact us for further information regarding this option.

    Contact information
    If you want to use this offer please contact us at ( specifying the following information:
     - Team name
     - number of persons who want to sleep in the gym
     - and/or the number of tents you want to bring

  • CVJM
    Another affordable option in the city center are the "SleepIn" hostel and the "Hotel am Dom" operated by the CVJM. The SleepIn offers 4 - 10-bed rooms starting at 20 EUR per person and one double for 50 EUR. At the "Hotel am Dom" we blocked one single and a 4-bed room for 35 EUR per person. If you are only interested in the conference, there are an additional 5 single and 7 double rooms available for August 15 - 19.

    The rooms are blocked until April 30th, 2011 and reservations can be made with reference "WRSC".

    Contact information
    CVJM Lübeck e.V.
    Norbert Lühr
    Große Petersgrube 11
    D-23552 Lübeck

    Tel.: 0049-(0)451-39 99 416
    Fax: 0049-(0)451-39 99 411

  • Other options
    A more upscale hotel close to the racing area would be the Scandic hotel and you could also check for Hotels on HRS.


Please don't hesitate to contact us:


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